David Bellinger

It’s been an amazing journey. We basically came here with virtually nothing eighteen years ago and it’s been great to see what we have achieved with the country.

On the Eastern edge of Bass Strait lies the Furneaux Group of Islands including Flinders Island. “You’ve never heard anything like it”, says David as we move through a crop of Sorghum. Only a few metres into the paddock, “a mob of 200 Angus heifers runs in a great wave of black through the chin-high crop.

Tasmania Tasmania
Flinders Island
3000 acres
1000 head
David Bellinger
David Bellinger
A mob of 200 Angus heifers runs in a great wave of black through the chin-high crop.
Crop of Sorghum, Flinders Island
Crop of Sorghum, Flinders Island
A mob of 200 Angus heifers runs through the chin-high sorghum crop
A mob of 200 Angus heifers runs through the chin-high sorghum crop

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